Mental Health Archives - Hey U Human

Displaying 29 Posts categorized under Mental Health

When intention and action don’t align

As I have been watching social media lately, I am filled with a TON of emotions. Between coaching industry DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA, Twitch Boss suicide, and getting ready for Christmas, […]

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The 4 problems in mental health right now

Let’s be honest. We are having a bigger problem with mental health than we’ve ever had before. In fact, it’s become an epidemic. People are more stressed, anxious, depressed, and […]

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What are trauma triggers and how to identify them

What are trauma triggers and how to identify them. When it comes to identifying a trauma trigger first we need to understand what a trigger is, what trauma is and […]

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Wellness 101 – What is it and how to achieve it

Welcome to Wellness 101. At Hey U Human we have a very comprehensive, whole human view of wellness. We believe wellness goes much further than finding your inner peace, self-care […]

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All The ​BS​ White Washed Advice…

“They” say: You just need a mindset shift. “They” say: Where there’s a will there’s a way. “They” say: Change your thoughts, shift your reality. “They” say: You just need […]

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Talking In Circles = MONEY HONEY

One massive fail that I have seen inside the coaching, self-help, personal development, and therapy space is this……. The more you can get people to come back…. The more money […]

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Why Therapy Doesn’t Work

Why therapy hasn’t actually been working for you. Have you ever known those people, or maybe you are one of those people, that has been in therapy for so many […]

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What are DNA Setpoints and why do they matter to you?

We talk a lot about DNA setpoints and why they matter in our world, but most people new to this world don’t know what we are talking about and how […]

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What is DNA Coding?

If I may be so bold, you’ve been focused on the wrong thing and that’s why you aren’t where you want to be and getting the things you want. How […]

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6 Tips for employers who want to support their employees during turbulent times

Times are changing! The workforce has changed. Employees have changed. Our world has changed. With the impact of technology, social media, and a remote workforce, employers are faced with new […]

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