Certified Human Developers - Virtual Mental Health Support

Hey U!

Come meet our Certified Human Developers!

Hey U!

Come meet our Certified Human Developers!

Give yourself lasting, accelerated transformation!

Partner with a CHD today to clear your limiting beliefs and achieve your goals with ease.

Are you ready to start your healing journey, but wouldn’t mind a little extra help along the way? Or maybe you’ve made the decision to jump into the membership but just feel… well… stuck? It happens!

Sometimes your journey is self-guided, and other times it feels good knowing that you’ve got some support helping you along. This is where our Certified Human Developers (CHD) come in. They are there to guide you in your journey, with the ultimate goal of teaching you how to help yourself. It’s not about relying on someone else, it’s about receiving that tiny (or possibly big) nudge to get you going.

Stick with a CHD for as long as you need. When you are ready to go it alone, let our amazing CommUnity of people support you. And remember, you can always book a 1:1 Support session down the road if you need. It’s just that simple!


Join The VIP Membership


Meet our Certified Human Developers:

Amy Morris

Certified Human Developer

Hi! I’m Amy. I am honored to be a part of the Hey U Human team. I serve on the support side of things, a mentor here to support you through your journey.

I am also a proud Certified Human Developer here with Hey U Human.

Additionally, I am a therapist for children, teens, and adults. I have my Master’s in Social Work and have been in the field for over 20 years.
I am certified in many modalities and the RRT is by far the most effective modality I have utilized with my clients and with myself! The results I have seen are astounding! I have a gentle yet direct approach and a deep love for all humans.

I am looking forward to meeting you!


Let's Work Together

Aoife Ward

Certified Human Developer

I am a Career Guidance Counsellor and Teacher, and work with teenagers and young adults in my day job to help them build self esteem and confidence and work out their life purpose. Using RRT in my work has been amazing and I am fully committed to continuing my own healing journey in this community and helping other people to do the same! I live in Ireland 🇮🇪 with my partner and 2 gorgeous daughters.


Let's Work Together

Ariel Aboutboul

Certified Human Developer

Hi, my name is Ariel!

I loved as a corporate cubicle-dweller for 7 years. Now I am living a life I truly love and there’s NO GOING BACK!

I am an adventurous, curious, and passionate discoverer who inspires others through my vulnerable expression, courage to pursue my dreams, and zest for the nectars of life. I allow my heart’s excitement to guide me in cultivating a meaningful life.

I am inspired to support those inkling for change in their lives, and those who feel discontented and unfulfilled (like I felt when I lived my corporate life). My passion is to empower these people to live a more peaceful life, free from overwhelming stress & worry, and to create a purpose-driven life they truly love.

Let's Work Together

Bella Sium

Certified Human Developer

My name is Bella and I am an educator in the realm of consciousness. I have been an educator for 8 years in Canada, and it was during my recent Masters in Education work that I began tapping into higher dimensions in the spiritual realm. I specialize in guiding individuals towards true homeostasis through the lens of their educational and personal realities. Through this work, I also create educational healing pedagogies for learners of all ages. Seven phases of my work include:

desire → intention → wisdom → understanding → clarity → choice → reality.

I am part of the divine collective; a female, wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. I am a learner of the universe, a child of our Mother, and most importantly, a deep soul, surrendering to the journey outlined for me. We have all the answers within us, here and now. It is my highest honour to assist you in healing and to guide humanity’s evolution.


Let's Work Together

Tina Ridge

Certified Human Developer

Hello! I’m Tina and I’m a Certified Human Developer and Rapid Relief Technique Practitioner certified through Hey U Human. I have significant training in grief, trauma, emotions, and human behavior, as well, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Indiana University.

I am highly intuitive and use my natural divine gifts to help clients see the underlying patterns that are hidden.

Using the same tools that I do with clients, I’ve been able to eliminate anxiety and stress from my life. I help other humans release what is no longer serving them so they can connect back to who they are at their core and unlock their unique Heaven on Earth.


Mika Shoemaker

Certified Human Developer

Mika is a Breathwork Facilitator and Certified Human Developer. She helps people experience radical self-love through alchemizing emotional states and stands for a soulful experience of human life.

Mika began meditating at the age of 7, guided by her father who is a Transcendental Meditation Sidhi in Japan. After practicing multiple Spiritual modalities and Personal Development techniques, she discovered Breathwork and RRT to be the most effective methods that allow her clients to experience repeated breakthroughs.

She is a mother of two children and lives in Southern California, she enjoys yoga, hiking, and dancing.



Let's Work Together

Zsófia Fischer

Certified Human Developer

My name is Zsófi, a Hungarian living with my partner and our beautiful daughter in beautiful Spain.

My mission is to guide those brave souls who are ready to take responsibility for themselves, their feelings, their well-being and their happiness to their most authentic, happy and aligned being.

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell

Coming back to myself and creating my dream life has been the focus of my journey for the past 13 years through the modalities of yoga, breathwork and meditation, coaching and Rapid Relief Technique…and taking action.
I am a certified hatha, yin yoga and meditation instructor, as well as Gestalt business and life coach and a happy Certified Human Developer. RRT has been the most direct and rapid approach to change my emotions and my life. It helped me tremendously to process grief, anger, fears and expand my life to this fairy tale as it is today.

I am happy to be your guide on your journey!

Let's Work Together

Samantha Martin Hughes

Certified Human Developer

My name is Samantha Martin Hughes. I am a practicing Doctor of Physical Therapy, specializing in Pelvic Floor/Women and men’s Health in the Western world, but essentially blend Eastern-based principles. I predominantly work on Bowel, Bladder, Sexual Dysfunction, Pelvic pain, and persistent (not chronic) pain with heavy Pain Neuroscience approaches.

I hold a Bachelor of Applied Exercise Science and teach Group Fitness, Zumba, Yoga, and am a Personal Trainer, 500hr Certified Yoga Teacher, Prenatal/Postpartum Yoga Certified, specialty training in Yin, Restorative, Yoga Nidra and more. I am also an Advanced Reiki Practitioner, Intuit, Empath, channeler and obsessed with Astrology (Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising). The glue to all of these modalities has been the Hey U Human Community and becoming a Certified Human Developer.

I have a special appreciation and interest in developing humans as they develop humans, as I was blessed to have found the Rapid Relief Technique™ during much of my pregnancies and postpartum windows of time. I eat, sleep and breathe human development for myself and the humans I am divinely meant to connect with. My energy is contagious and I want you to have it with me. I have cracked myself open over and over again with this practice and it just keeps unfolding to more divine synchronicities of life.  May we be led from darkness to light by one another. Come and practice with me!

Let's Work Together

This isn’t therapy or coaching… this is human development.

Our Certified Human Developers aren’t here to make you feel better. They are here to teach U how to heal, yourself. It’s about removing the co-dependency so that when the proverbial S#!T hits the fan, you aren’t reliant on someone else to help.

It’s time you learn the Rapid Relief Techniqueâ„¢ (RRT) and ditch the old ways of doing things. Let a Certified Human Developer get you the results YOU want so that you can change your life both permanently and for good!


Join The VIP Membership

Your Healing Journey, Your Way!

When it comes to Hey U Human, we want healing to not only be fun, but we want it to suit your needs. Pick the journey that works best for U!

The VIP Membership will create incredible and personalized transformation. Use the 1:1 Sessions to kick-start your journey or as an addition to your journey whenever you need. Or, jump into the guided journey where you’ll learn how to truly heal and find the happiness you are looking for, just with a bit of added help!


Are you ready to shift into a place of power and integrate it into every area of your life? Join the Hey U Human VIP Membership and watch your life, your energy, your relationships, and your desires transform!

You will receive:

  • 2 Sessions per month with your dedicated Certified Human Developer
  • Access to The Foundation course material + support community.
  • Full access to the Happy Human Membership
  • Access to +$2,000 VALUE worth of bonus training + complimentary access to new courses launched during your membership
  • VIP pricing for any additional Private 1:1 Sessions

Use the button below to work with any CHD. If you’d like to work with a specific practitioner, use the unique links in their bio above. 

Join The VIP Membership


BOOK A 1:1 SESSION: $120 per session

Looking to kick-start your healing journey or possibly move through something you are stuck on?

Whether you are new to the Rapid Relief Techniqueâ„¢ or have been using it for years, a session with a Certified Human Developer could be just the thing to shift U. These sessions are everything you need and everything you didn’t even know you needed!


Book A Session