Are you desiring more support, more guidance, and ‘your person’ to point out blocks and push you beyond your limits? Then the VIP Membership is for you!
You don’t know what you don’t know… and you can’t see what you can’t see.
You know when you feel stuck but you don’t know what to do to move ahead? Like an itch, you need to scratch, but you can’t quite reach it.
Well, that’s a major obstacle in our healing journey and one that prevents most people from getting unstuck. Because you don’t know what you don’t know and you can’t see what you have been trained to forget.
Enter the VIP Membership. Where you get a dedicated Certified Human Developer that you meet with 2x a month to take you where you didn’t even know you needed to go.
Break through your upper limits with the VIP Membership.
The personalized accountability and support that you have always needed…
You know that friend that says all the things you don’t want to hear…. that’s the VIP Membership! Tough love and support all rolled into one. With the VIP Membership, you will receive full access to the Method Membership PLUS 2 calls a month with a dedicated Certified Human Developer. They will provide you with guided tappings, help you see what you can’t see, and push you to move and release the emotions that you can’t access on your own but have been holding you back.
Healing, expansion, and evolution aren’t meant to be a singular experience. You are meant to experience life in a collective energy. The issue is that most of the collective energy is toxic and steeped with bad programming. The VIP Membership is designed for those who desire more support, who are ready to hear the things they don’t want to hear, and who are ready to get serious about creating the life of their dreams.
Most of us are bogged down by limiting beliefs and societal conditioning that keeps us settling and small. In order to shift that, we need an impartial third party to show us where we are playing small and what we need to shift in our conditioning and coding. We need to be able to see the subconscious beliefs that we can’t see, but that are holding us back. This is where the VIP Membership comes in.
The best investment you can make in YOU that will pay dividends well into your future (and the generations that come after you).
Join the VIP membership month-to-month, or in 3 or 6-month packages. At any point, you can downgrade to the Method Membership. If you purchased 12-month access to the Method Membership, email us to pause your membership while you are doing the VIP experience so no time is lost.