Join The Foundation and Go Next Level in LIFE!

Enrollment Now Open

The Foundation

Unleash Your Limitless Potential!

It’s time for life to get good… like REALLY good!

This is the only course that shows you how to transform your life while you are transforming the world around you! It’s time for life to flourish, for wealth to flow effortlessly, and for life to work in your favor every day.

Are you ready to become unstoppable?

Join The Movement Now

Transformation Starts Here

The Foundation you build today will unlock the magic of tomorrow…

It’s like you KNOW you are meant for the four seasons, but somehow ended up at the Holiday Inn Express. It’s not that it’s bad… it’s just not what you want. You KNOW it’s meant to be better, but CREATING that ‘better’ life seems to somehow keep slipping through your fingers.

It almost feels like something is missing. Like you almost have the full combination of unlocking your next level life… but you are missing one final piece before it locks into place

Are you ready to discover the missing piece?

Shape the next chapter of your life with

The Foundation

Inside The Foundation you will learn how to create happiness, success and ease. No more settling for less. No more getting in your own way. No more wondering ‘when’ you will become the person you want to be. ‘When’ is now!!

The Foundation is the key to unlocking the magic and greatness you are meant to experience in this life.

Are you ready to challenge EVERYTHING you know and create the life of your dreams?

I was born ready! Sign Me Up!

It’s This Easy

Through learning The Foundation you will master:

Your Confidence

Say goodbye to self-doubt and imposter syndrome

The Foundation will show you how to exude self-assurance in every aspect of life, giving you the freedom to be yourself in the most authentic way.

Your Money

Finally, remove financial stress and uncertainty from your life

The Foundation will teach you how to master your finances, gain control over your money, and build lasting wealth, providing you with the feeling of true financial freedom.

Your Relationships

Leave shallow connections, loneliness, and energetic drains behind

With The Foundation you will learn how to find and foster deep connections and nurture meaningful bonds, feeling connected, supported, and energized by your community.

Your Time

Overcome procrastination and inefficiency

The Foundation will show you how to remove blocks holding you back and finally become efficient and effective in all your endeavors, helping you feel like a superhuman.

Your Life

Drop autopilot feelings of unsatisfaction and unfulfillment

The Foundation will show you how to unlock your full potential and live with purpose and fulfillment, empowering you to create the impossible.

Your Health

Say goodbye to unhealthy habits and low energy

The Foundation will guide you in achieving optimal health, providing you with the knowledge and tools to nourish your body and mind, allowing you to thrive in all aspects of your life.

And the best part is..

When you transform yourself, you transform your surroundings.

When you transform your surroundings, you transform the world.

This is your time to shift not only yourself, but also your future self and generations to come. If you know that this world is full of magic and are ready for all aspects of your life to be easy, then you are ready for The Foundation.

Get results that last beyond your lifetime!

Create a better tomorrow through The Foundation.

What The Foundation can do for you:

  • Clear out every block standing in your way of getting what you want.
  • Get you off the up-and-down roller coaster of life and show you how to bring in the good and keep it coming.
  • Create a blueprint for where you want to go, who you want to be, and what you want to have, and then help you create it.
  • Provide a step-by-step formula for moving through any obstacle that stands in your way—learn how to turn challenges into opportunities.
  • Show you how to make money work for you.
  • Keep you on track and motivated to create the life you want.
  • Find clarity and power, feel good in your skin, and be confident in making the moves you want to make.
  • Find more passion, purpose, and fulfillment in your life.
  • Finally, feel like life makes sense and see your path and your next moves clearly.
  • Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in health, wealth, relationships, and overall happiness.
  • Create a deep knowing that you are the creator of your life and can shift anything.

What’s Included

  • LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE FOUNDATION + FUTURE UPDATES (VALUE $1,500) Stop feel stuck, unable to break free from obstacles hindering your success and happiness! Get lifetime access to this transformative 16-module course to help you identify and eliminate these barriers, paving the way for a more fulfilling life. (BONUS get complimentary access to any future additions to the course).

  • COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING ($797 VALUE) Change doesn’t have to take decades or 10,000 hours to master! Our training schedule includes over 20 recorded videos, each around 20 minutes long. These videos allow you to easily grasp and implement concepts and exercises, empowering you to supercharge your personal growth.

  • SIGNATURE METHOD ($1,500 VALUE) Master the proprietary Rapid Relief Technique™, the secret sauce to success. The Foundation will guide you to integrate it into every facet of your life, ensuring happiness, peace, and success. You will learn how to apply Rapid Relief Technique™ to everything in your life like money, health, weight loss, manifesting, career, business, relationships, love, parenting plus so much more!

  • GUIDED TAPPINGS & SCRIPTS ($997 VALUE) Take the guess work out of ‘self-study’ with our guided scripts. Access recordings that take our technique to new depths, clearing out hidden blocks holding you back. Learn to truly let go and embrace lasting change.

  • WORKBOOK & JOURNAL PROMPTS ($397 VALUE) Deepen your understanding with our 16 workbooks, providing clarity, reflection, and embodiment for a holistic transformation.

  • [BONUS]: Chakra Healing, Energy Routines & Meditations ($597 VALUE) Heal your body, elevate your energy, and embody your next-level self with powerful energy routines and peace-anchoring meditations.

  • [BONUS]: TARGET MINI-TRAININGS ($597 VALUE) Enhance your journey with bonus training on dealing with narcissists, improving communication in relationships, healing your body relationship, and addressing negative childhood experiences. These mini-lessons are added to the course based on student feedback and need.

  • [LIMITED TIME OFFER]: 12-MONTH HAPPY HUMAN MEMBERSHIP ($997 VALUE) Enroll now during our exclusive bonus period and receive 12 months of FREE access to The Happy Human Membership.

Total Value $7,382


Start Today!

Enrollment Now Open

Join The Foundation Today

It’s time to break through your limits.

Leave your old patterns behind and create the happiness and success that you were meant for. 

Enroll Now!

Our work, works!

Through a decade of working with thousands of humans worldwide, we’ve honed a master success formula. Stripping away the ‘fluff,’ we direct your time and energy precisely where it yields results….

Our 4-pronged approach ensures that you get maximum results in as little as 20 minutes a day!


Identify Obstacles


Uncover the hidden barriers, patterns, and beliefs that are holding you back from where you want to be. You will learn how to identify your unique roadblocks that you aren’t even aware of (thus giving you clarity on the path to success).


Eliminate Old Patterns


Say goodbye to the limitations and beliefs that no longer serve you. Our proven methods guide you through shedding the old to make room for the new, ensuring you’re free from the shackles of past constraints. You will learn how to shatter these limiting beliefs, supercharging your ability to have a super-human experience.


Immerse in Empowering Beliefs


Immerse yourself in the beliefs that align with your aspirations. We will teach you how to create new, empowering beliefs, laying the foundation for the life you desire. The secret sauce here is that because your old patterns and beliefs are gone, you are like a blank canvas that can create LITERALLY anything (for example: imagine your new pattern is that every dollar you spend comes back 2x within 1 week).


Anchor in the Good


Consistently create safety and assurance around your newfound beliefs. You will learn how to anchor these positive beliefs, fostering a sense of security and confidence as you step into your next level of success. This creates your new ‘normal’ so that these changes and improvements are holistic, organic and therefore, LASTING.

We’ve Got You Covered

Each basis is covered and complete. You don’t know what you don’t know – and believe us, we know things that are standing in your way that you don’t even know about. We have worked with tens of thousands of humans… and we have seen lots of patterns and similarities. It’s why our work works, and works fast.

Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity. Transform your life and become the unstoppable, successful individual you were born to be!

Are you ready to unleash your next level self and open up your potential?

I’m Ready!

What Our Students Are Saying

Do you ever have that feeling that you are MEANT for something great?…

But for some reason, it just hasn’t happened yet?

You know it should be easy, but it just isn’t.

Do you ever wonder why so many self-love tactics you try don’t seem to stick? Why do affirmations and motivational speeches seem to wear off after a while?

Here’s the thing… The world teaches us A LOT about A LOT of things: math, science, reading, writing. These are all great things to know. But most of them DON’T actually matter much when it comes to creating happiness, success, and a truly incredible life.

Some of the most successful people aren’t actually happy, and many of the happiest people don’t seem to actually be that happy.

I think we are missing something. Or maybe a lot of things.

When it comes to doing life and being a human, there is A LOT that got left out. That’s where The Foundation comes in. It’s why we called it the foundation, in fact.

The Foundation truly is the foundation of life: the understanding, tools, and resources needed to finally create happiness and success.

The world doesn’t teach us about happiness, money, relationships, communicating, our emotions, how to release unresolved trauma and limits, or how to make the most of this life.

It’s time you learned all the missing pieces. It’s time you created a foundation that is the cornerstone of true success.

A life that feels good and works for you is possible. A life where money works for you and success comes easy is for all of us. I know it because I have created it and helped thousands of others create it for themselves.

Are you ready to start your journey to true happiness and Next-level success?

I’M Ready

Are you ready to…

  • Unlock Your Path to Success: Clear every obstacle hindering your progress and unleash your true potential.
  • Escape the Roller Coaster of Life: Say goodbye to unpredictable highs and lows; learn the secrets to attracting and maintaining a positive and fulfilling life.
  • Craft Your Blueprint for Greatness: Develop a personalized roadmap for your goals, identity, and desired possessions, and most importantly, have the tools to bring it into your life.
  • Transform SH*T into GOLD: Imagine if every negative thing in your life actually made you happier, wealthier, and more successful. Follow a step-by-step formula to navigate through any obstacle, turning setbacks into stepping stones for unparalleled growth.
  • Become A Magical Money Maker: Discover how to make money work for you, unlocking the doors to financial success and abundance.
  • Stay Motivated on Your Journey: We’ll be your constant support, keeping you motivated and on track as you craft the life you’ve always dreamed of.
  • Attain Clarity and Empowerment: Find confidence in your decisions, feel empowered in your own skin, and make the impactful moves necessary for your transformation.
  • Discover Your Unique Passion, Purpose, and Fulfillment: Rediscover passion and purpose, leading to a more fulfilling life that resonates with your true self.
  • Find Your Life Clarity and Direction: Finally, experience a sense of clarity, understanding your life’s path and confidently navigating your next moves.
  • Bridge the Gap to Your Ideal Life: Close the distance between where you are now and where you want to be in terms of health, wealth, relationships, and overall happiness.
  • Embrace Your Creator Power: Develop a deep understanding that you are the creator of your life, armed with the internal power to shift anything and everything in your favor.

Course Syllabus

Slide through to view all 16 modules of The Foundation

MODULE 1: Unlocking Life

In the first module, we start understanding how to unlock the cheat codes to life. With our proprietary method in hand, you will be able to start creating results faster than ever!

MODULE 2: Get Back to Balance

Your body is a very important tool. It’s time to learn how to get it back to balance so life gets much easier. You will learn several simple techniques to support you on this self-discovery journey.

MODULE 3: Turning Sh*t into Gold!

In module 3, we are going to use the external world to understand and uncover our internal struggles and learn how to turn ANY situation into GOLD! It’s time for life to start working for you!

MODULE 4: Letting it Go for GOOD

In module 4, we will apply what we have learned in modules 1-3 to finally release the things standing in our way to happiness and success… for good! Let’s put the Rapid Relief Technique to work and start shifting your life!

MODULE 5: Where The Rubber Meets The Road

You will learn the BIGGEST thing that is holding you back and how to get to the core of any self-sabotage-type behaviors. No more standing in your way. It’s time for things to get good!

MODULE 6: Get Gone Guilt

This module is all about getting rid of any guilt or shame around being YOU, around living your most incredible life, and claiming all the love, all the good, everything that you want! No more holding back; let’s learn how to fly.

MODULE 7: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. Yet most of us truly aren’t forgiving or forgetting. Let’s learn how to actually forgive and open our hearts up to more goodness. Remember, life is meant to be good, but it can’t get good until we forgive others and ourselves.

MODULE 8: Love, Gratitude & Anchoring

In this module, we are going to break down how to live in love and gratitude on a daily basis and anchor into the new standards and desires for how life gets to be for you!

MODULE 9: The Body

OOOO, the human body! The relationship with our physical human is a complicated one. Ready to feel good about your body. To feel safe and free to be YOU. Ready to step out, stand out, and feel confident in your human. That’s what this module is all about!

MODULE 10: Sex and Power

Do we really need to say anything more? It’s time to bring your sexy back and with that find your unwavering power and your ability to go after what you want in life!

MODULE 11: Relationships

In this module, we will start to look at the relationships in your life and set boundaries (or affectionately known as energetic standards inside Hey U Human) in how you live your life and relate to others around you. As you shift, you will need to understand how to navigate the other people in your life; this module has got you covered!

MODULE 12: Money Honey!

Money is so interesting. It’s both worthless and the most valuable commodity all rolled into one. Why? Because it allows us to be exactly who we desire to be. Without it, we feel limited and restricted. In this module, we are going to start shifting our relationship with money!

MODULE 13: Energetic Standards & Programming

As we are coming into the last few modules, it’s time to start wrapping up the coursework and set you up to integrate this work into all aspects of your life. It’s time to create new programming and standards on how GOOD life gets to get for you and how to HOLD it.

MODULE 14: Connecting To The Universe

In this module, we are going to discuss how to connect your human to the universe and harness the energy of the universe to create true magic!

MODULE 15: Love

In this module, we are going to go deep into love. Receiving it, giving it, and creating it inside of YOU. When we find the love inside of ourselves, it gives us a power like no other. It makes us truly unstoppable and unshakable!

MODULE 16: Having It ALL

While this is the final module inside the structured course, this is not the end – but instead the beginning! This is where you start putting your work into practice because you are listening to your human and honoring its needs, wants, and desires. Because you should know by now – you can HAVE IT ALL!

What’s Included

  • LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE FOUNDATION + FUTURE UPDATES (VALUE $1,500) Stop feel stuck, unable to break free from obstacles hindering your success and happiness! Get lifetime access to this transformative 16-module course to help you identify and eliminate these barriers, paving the way for a more fulfilling life. (BONUS get complimentary access to any future additions to the course).

  • COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING ($797 VALUE) Change doesn’t have to take decades or 10,000 hours to master! Our training schedule includes over 20 recorded videos, each around 20 minutes long. These videos allow you to easily grasp and implement concepts and exercises, empowering you to supercharge your personal growth.

  • SIGNATURE METHOD ($1,500 VALUE) Master the proprietary Rapid Relief Technique™, the secret sauce to success. The Foundation will guide you to integrate it into every facet of your life, ensuring happiness, peace, and success. You will learn how to apply Rapid Relief Technique™ to everything in your life like money, health, weight loss, manifesting, career, business, relationships, love, parenting plus so much more!

  • GUIDED TAPPINGS & SCRIPTS ($997 VALUE) Take the guess work out of ‘self-study’ with our guided scripts. Access recordings that take our technique to new depths, clearing out hidden blocks holding you back. Learn to truly let go and embrace lasting change.

  • WORKBOOK & JOURNAL PROMPTS ($397 VALUE) Deepen your understanding with our 16 workbooks, providing clarity, reflection, and embodiment for a holistic transformation.

  • [BONUS]: Chakra Healing, Energy Routines & Meditations ($597 VALUE) Heal your body, elevate your energy, and embody your next-level self with powerful energy routines and peace-anchoring meditations.

  • [BONUS]: TARGET MINI-TRAININGS ($597 VALUE) Enhance your journey with bonus training on dealing with narcissists, improving communication in relationships, healing your body relationship, and addressing negative childhood experiences. These mini-lessons are added to the course based on student feedback and need.

  • [LIMITED TIME OFFER]: 12-MONTH HAPPY HUMAN MEMBERSHIP ($997 VALUE) Enroll now during our exclusive bonus period and receive 12 months of FREE access to The Happy Human Membership.

Total Value $7,382

Every day, in every way, life gets better for you!