Unleash Your Potential and Break Free from Distractions with EXPANSION | Hey U Human

Redefining what it means to be HUMAN.
Happiness Unlocked.

This is LIFE On YOUR Terms.


Already know you want in?

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Power, Safety, Freedom…

Tapping into your true innate power and possibility.

The ability to create WHAT you WANT

The deep inner knowing that life has got your back, that you WILL get everything you want.

The feeling of TRUE abundance.

The confidence that YOU CAN.

You can be who you want and create what you want.

The confidence to access the potential that lives within you.

This IS available to you, to everyone.

And EXPANSION is your answer to how to do it!

It’s time to take your life where it hasn’t been before. Where you KNOW you want it to go but haven’t exactly been able to create yet.

It’s your time. I know you can feel it. It’s so close! Now it’s time to expand into it.

You know it’s there. Your power. You feel it deep within. You want to bring it out fully. Sometimes you do.

But it’s hard to hold in this world.

It’s hard to BE in this world.

The you that YOU are meant to be.
The you that YOU know you MUST be.


Power. Safety. Freedom.

You know it in your heart.
You feel it in your soul.

It’s the freedom you have been trying to create. The freedom to be YOU.

You have felt it. You have held it (at moments). But when you are surrounded by an environment of lack, unsafely, of unconfident people, of division and scarcity… it’s hard to break away.

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So how do we expand? How to we move into our full power and potential as humans? How do we bridge the gap?

The answer lies within. Within me, within you, within all of us. It’s time we activate this part of us.

It’s time we expand into it.

EXPANSION is THE new way!

This is what Expansion is all about. It’s a redefining of what it means to be human. Up until now, humans have been thought of as somewhat flat. We have been regarded as physical beings who must work hard, and sacrifice to get what we want.

But we are so much more and so is this world. We haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what we are capable of.

This world is not about working. This world is not about sacrifice. We are not here to ascend and learn how to be more spiritual.

We are here to ENJOY, we are here to PLAY, we are here for PLEASURE.

But most of us don’t see it this way. Expansion will challenge everything you once thought of the human experience it.

It will shift your perspective on who we are and what we are here to do as humans.

It will teach you how to find pleasure and joy in the most mundane of things.

It will be everything.

People have been privy to some of this knowledge for centuries, many have kept the truth hidden and used it to build empires on the backs of others. The reason is they don’t know the whole truth. If they did they would know there has always been more than enough for all.

That all of us in our power create the world we all seek.

There has always been a fear that if too many knew the truth of this realm, it would collapse.

But it won’t. Instead, it will create true expansion.

It’s time to understand the truth of this life.

You have desires—deep ones, things you want to do and experience. Part of you owns these things you want, but another part secretly denies them (that’s why they haven’t fully shown up).

One moment you feel they are yours, you can smell it they are so close… but then you find yourself stuck again. Stuck not doing the things, not taking the steps not welcoming in what you know is meant for you.

I know the world we are meant to have. I can see it, feel it, I LIVE IT. It breaks my heart that so many never get to experience it. To experience the joy of life, the deep gratitude of breathing, of living, of being. It is meant for all of us. To be lit up by life in every moment.

I know I am here to share this with the world. My energy is expansive.

I am here to expand people and humanity as a whole. The reason my clients and the people in our community have such success, such feelings of freedom is because they have learned how to look at the world in a different way, to create their own rules. Expansion is going to take this even further, even deeper, for you and for them.

This world limits us and has been since the beginning of time. In order for us to expand into all that we are, we must understand these limits and release them. We then just create a space of safety within our brains and body for expansion. We then must learn the truths of this world and expand into them.

Expansion will be about learnings and unlearning.

It will be about releasing and expanding. You will be activated. You will be transformed.

You will feel your magic, your power like you haven’t before.

This world will begin to make sense where it hasn’t made sense before.

Life will feel easier, pleasure will be normal. Money and time will transform before your eyes.

Life will expand.

Activate. Integrate. Embody. Align…..

…it’s time for your next level human.

This is what you came here to do.

This is the whole reason you are here.

  • CREATING TRUE FREEDOM: Feeling at peace with your power, not giving a “F” what someone thinks about you. Being who you want, wearing what you want, buying what you want.
  • CREATING TRUE CONFIDENCE & INTERNAL POWER:  Never again question yourself. How good would it feel to never again question your wants, your desires? To just KNOW it is your path, that it will work, to find pleasure in each and every step of the way.
  • ​CREATIVE CONTROL:  Imagine being able to change the weather, manifest random money, and create real-life miracles. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE CAPABLE OF. It is not woo-woo or hocus pocus. It is the power of the human, the new human and it’s time you know it.


This ‘luxury’ is available to everyone…
This power is available to everyone…
Yet the world wants you to believe it’s not. It’s time to break the mold.
It’s time to change history.
It’s time for everyone to expand.

What You’re Getting

  • RESOURCES: This course will be done live. Live video modules will take place twice a week. You will join me and our incredible community of expanders while we break down the limits this world has put on us and expand past them. Approximately 8-10 modules of content and creation together.

  • ACTIVATIONS:  You will also be given meditations and activations that correlate with each module to take your expansion even deeper. We will be working at the deep levels here. Working to recode our DNA, correlate our nervous system and reprogram our brain. You will be given different things to access each level for true expansion.

  • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Workbooks, guided tappings, and other supplements will be included as needed as we expand together.

  • LIFETIME ACCESS: Not only will you be able to participate in the content LIVE, you will also receive access to all materials FOR LIFE.

  • [BONUS] ACCESS TO NEW MATERIAL: Receive access to all NEW material produced in the future! EXPANSION is a living, breathing course. As I learn things, you get them!

Total Value Over $1,999



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Being human is about EXPANSION.
It is about experience. It is about pleasure.

We are at the precipice of one of our greatest moments of expansion as humans. You feel it. It’s why you are restless, its the reason for the ups and downs. It’s why you feel unsatisfied with where the world is at. Because we are ready for more.

YOU are ready for MORE.

Expansion is the MORE.

It’s the blue print, the road map, everything you need to know to go from where you are to where you want to be.

Expansion will start with a deep understanding of human. Helping you to truly see what you are and what this life is all about. It will answer your deepest questions. Make sense out of things that have confused forever. It will show you how to find pleasure and love where pleasure and love could not be found before.

It will challenge your view with time and money, completely shifting everything you once knew and giving you the understanding to create something so much better.

It will push your limits around your body and what it is capable of.

So much of our world is viewed and understood from a very linear perspective. But we are not linear beings. We are quantum beings full of an unending life force and it’s time we lived life like that.

It’s common knowledge that we use less than 10% of our brains. We are capable of so so much more and it’s time to tap into it.

We were designed for this, meant for this, just no one has shown us the next steps and how to do it. I have been on a journey for the last two years figuring it all out. Tripping and falling and mastering so that I could now bring it to you.

I have cracked the code, and EXPANSION is the result.

EXPANSION is for YOU if....

  • You have a deep desire to create a life outside the boxes of this world.
  • You have done a lot of work on yourself but still feel like you are missing something when it comes to fully embodying the life you want.
  • You have felt like your life should be easier, more fun, and lighter and have spend lots of time trying to figure out how.
  • When it comes to money and time you feel like it is just never enough.
  • You want to create a life that doesn’t require you to work your ass off or sacrifice.
  • You are ready to be fully you and not care about what others things of your fully expressed self.
  • You still have wants and desires that aren’t fulfilled yet and you deeply desire for them to come true.

Is Not For YOU if...

  • If you are completely satisfied with this world and this life and desire nothing else.
  • You don’t believe in the power of the human.

We are in an unprecedented time right now.

A time when big things are shifting and the universe is speaking.

When the world is shaky and messy we see the biggest evolution happen. There is energy opening up to us. If you do not have the right energy and understanding you will not be able to access and capitalize on this shift. If your DNA and nervous system is not on board you will stay in the current way of the world, expansion will not happen.

The world is dividing, humanity is dividing. There are people that will stay in the world as it is and there are people that will expand into it’s next version. Expansion is about being ready and able to expand as we move into this new place this new version.

This is not just another course. This is a deep understanding that I have not talked about yet. I didn’t think the world was ready. I now know that it is. Many of the reasons I have been able to create the life I have now is because of the way I see the world, and because of the expansion I have allowed within my human.

I have taken the last two years to master this, to understand it at its deepest level and now I am ready to share it with you.

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What You’re Getting

  • RESOURCES: This course will be done live. Live video modules will take place twice a week. You will join me and our incredible community of expanders while we break down the limits this world has put on us and expand past them. Approximately 8-10 modules of content and creation together.

  • ACTIVATIONS:  You will also be given meditations and activations that correlate with each module to take your expansion even deeper. We will be working at the deep levels here. Working to recode our DNA, correlate our nervous system and reprogram our brain. You will be given different things to access each level for true expansion.

  • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Workbooks, guided tappings, and other supplements will be included as needed as we expand together.

  • LIFETIME ACCESS: Not only will you be able to participate in the content LIVE, you will also receive access to all materials FOR LIFE.

  • [BONUS] ACCESS TO NEW MATERIAL: Receive access to all NEW material produced in the future! EXPANSION is a living, breathing course. As I learn things, you get them!

Total Value Over $1,999



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I built a multi-million dollar business teaching people the secret to manifesting, the secrets to LIFE. The secrets to money, time and so much more. My life is built on expansion. On seeing the TRUTHS of this world and sharing them with others.

So many people think there is nothing ‘new’ but that is not true. Look at all the ‘new’ things we are discovering and learning daily as humans. We are constantly moving and growing and how we see and understand this world is no different.

The reason so much of what we are doing in our lives doesn’t work is because it’s outdated. We need the NEW. That’s what I have, that’s what I teach. All the new information, understandings, and truths that you need to know to create the life you want.

It is my pleasure to guide you, expand you, activate you, and to help you become the YOU you have always wanted to be.

What You’re Getting

  • RESOURCES: This course will be done live. Live video modules will take place twice a week. You will join me and our incredible community of expanders while we break down the limits this world has put on us and expand past them. Approximately 8-10 modules of content and creation together.

  • ACTIVATIONS:  You will also be given meditations and activations that correlate with each module to take your expansion even deeper. We will be working at the deep levels here. Working to recode our DNA, correlate our nervous system and reprogram our brain. You will be given different things to access each level for true expansion.

  • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Workbooks, guided tappings, and other supplements will be included as needed as we expand together.

  • LIFETIME ACCESS: Not only will you be able to participate in the content LIVE, you will also receive access to all materials FOR LIFE.

  • [BONUS] ACCESS TO NEW MATERIAL: Receive access to all NEW material produced in the future! EXPANSION is a living, breathing course. As I learn things, you get them!

Total Value Over $1,999



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