The Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course

Live Stress Free

The Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course


If you are ready to take control of your life, drastically reduce your stress in less than three hours and learn how to eventually eliminate it for good, then you are ready for this course!

Learn how to master THE METHOD for stress relief in under 3 hours.

It’s time to stress less & live MORE!

Transformation Starts Here

It Can Be This Easy…

If you are ready for stress to be a thing of the past, then you need to join us.

The Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course is The #1 Stress Relief Method that teaches you the fastest way to get rid of stress. Not just ‘cope’ with stress, but actually eliminate it from your body and your life!

Does this sound familiar to you?…

  • You feel like you are falling behind every day, failing those around you, and you don’t know how to break out of the cycle.
  • You want to feel good every day but everyTHING you need to do just leads to more stress, anxiety and burnout.
  • Your brain feels like Grand Central Station. You’re the person who takes on MORE responsibilities every day. While being the central high-performing hub is fulfilling, it’s also exhausting and the days are all starting to feel like a blur.
  • Even when things are good there is this nagging feeling that the other shoe will drop. No matter what is happening stress is always there….
  • ​​​Life feels so overwhelming, so much to do, not enough time and no idea how to shift this.
  • You just want a vacation from life, some time to debrief, some time to slow down but there is no way to make that happen. Or maybe your mind is in constant overdrive, worried about all the things that could happen constantly adding to your stress and anxiety.
  • The weight of guilt sits heavily on your shoulders for not being present enough, for not spending enough time with your kids, not being able to ‘turn it off’, and for not being soft and loving with your partner. You constantly feel like you’re missing out and nothing you do is ever enough.
  • You have a short fuse, and you wish you could relax and have more patience. Even when you try to breathe through it, you feel on the verge of snapping.
  • You have a hard time sleeping and feeling rested because you can’t turn your brain off.


Believe it or not, no matter what is going on in your life, that feeling of stress doesn’t need to be a part of it.

That’s where I come in.

Introducing The Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course: the most effective method to stress less and live MORE!

Most people want to feel good as they go through life…

But very few feel mentally free.

What you really want is to feel good from the moment you wake up until your head blissfully hits the pillow (as opposed to that feeling of impending dread).

This is possible for you. In fact, stress does not have to be part of life… it’s just that no one has taught you what stress ACTUALLY is, how your body ACTUALLY works and the true cause of your stress (wink wink, it’s not what you think it is).

I mean, how can you get rid of something if no one has ever taught you what’s REALLY going on and how to ACTUALLY remove it? It would be like trying to solve an algebra equation when no one has ever taught you addition and subtraction!

Our world is so stressed about and nothing is working… It’s because we need to learn a different way to work with our bodies and a different way to work with our stress, and that’s where The Method for Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course comes in!

While exercise, meditation, therapy, medication/supplements, journaling (and, let’s be honest, a good bottle of wine) can provide temporary relief, they don’t create lasting change in your life. It’s time for you to learn the in’s and out’s of your stress and how to eliminate (yes ELIMINATE it) it once and for all.

Would that be worth your time?… If yes, it’s time for you to learn about The Method.

You will learn things like:

  • How stress is really more about your DNA than what’s going on in your life
  • Why you can make changes in your life but still find yourself feeling the same
  • Why you can make logical sense about NOT stressing out about something, but your body still feels ALL full of stress
  • Why life feels so complicated, so hard and no matter what you do things don’t seem to get much better


The world makes us believe stress is just part of living, and honestly keeping us stressed keeps us controlled and easily manipulated.

THE REAL TRUTH: Stress doesn’t exist, you create it every single day. And what you give life to, you can take away.

That’s exactly what you are going to learn in The Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course. Furthermore, you are going to learn how so much of your stress isn’t even yours, it’s been handed down and we are going to show you how to hand it back!

Save 95% Right Now

It’s time the rest of the world knows what I know.

Stress is the gap between our brains (that are living in the modern world) and our bodies (that are still living as cavemen).

I know, sounds crazy, but it’s not. When you understand this, and the solution to closing the gap, everything changes and stress… becomes a thing of the past!

It’s time to stress less and live more!

This change won’t happen through mindset, meditation, breathing or therapy (we have been doing these things for quite some time now and the stress is only getting worse for most).

It starts with understanding these key things I am going to break down for you in this course that very few people know.

And here is the thing… Stress affects every area of your life including your health and wellbeing.

So as you understand these things I am going to teach you, you are going to see shifts in your money, in your health and in other areas as well.

It’s all connected. ALL of it. Most of the things you are stressed about are actually reflecting deeper things that aren’t even conscious to you. It’s why you might try to change something, but you STILL feel the stress and anxiety around it.

It’s also why you probably feel like you are fighting yourself. Knowing the things you need to do to feel better and less stressed, yet still repeating the same old cycles. Your subconscious and your stress is running the show! It’s time to take your life back!

It’s time to change that and take your power back in life! It’s time to stress less and live MORE.

The Rapid Stress Relief Accelerator Course is for you if:

  • You want to have absolute power over your life.
  • You want life to work for you and you want to feel GOOD doing it.
  • You want to create a life where you feel safe, free, happy, a life where stress isn’t part of your day to day existence.
  • You want to start doing more of what you love, feeling good in your body and being more present in your day to day life.
  • You are ready to stop the monkey mind and give so much energy to the exhausting thoughts that keep you distracted and up and night.

No more stress, no more anxiety, no more burnout and no more monkey mind… I mean how amazing would that be!

It’s time to feel GOOD when it comes to YOUR life. It’s time to feel energized when you wake up and satisfied when you go to sleep.

It is possible, but most people don’t teach the right steps… and that’s exactly what you are going to learn!

This is NOT:

  • This is NOT some meditation course where we are going to tell you to “take deep breaths” and “focus on the positive”.
  • This is NOT some strategy to teach you how to remove stress triggers. I mean hello, we can’t just eliminate our kids or say “I no longer need money”. That’s unrealistic!
  • This is NOT about a complicated modality where you have to stand on your head three times a day, drink green juice twice and pray to the white crystal of health every two hours. THAT sounds stressful.


This is about understanding the basics of how life works, how YOU work and how we work as humans.

What’s Included


  • ACCESS to powerful video training that will walk you though The Method and how to use it to get stress relief (FOR GOOD) ($197 VALUE)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the replays and all course content & materials ($297 VALUE)

  • A COMPREHENSIVE WORKBOOK to stay fully engaged and take notes on the actions you want to implement quickly ($97 VALUE)

  • [BONUS #1] Wealth Activation Meditation: One if the biggest stressors is MONEY. We are including one of our most highly regarded meditations that works to connect your internal systems with the external world of money ($97 VALUE)

  • [BONUS #2] Magic Money Energy Shifter: Listen to this on your drive, in the shower, during your workout to shift your relationship with money easily and reduce the stress that comes from money & finances ($97 VALUE)

  • [BONUS #3] Bring This Into Your Life: Learning something isn’t the same as bringing it into real life. To ensure you realize TRUE success, you will also get 3 powerful practices and resources that will make it easy to bring everything you have learned into your day to day life. This only takes 10-15 min a day! ($297 VALUE)

Total Value $1,082
(Save 95% Right Now. space is limited)


Learn How For Only $33

HI! I’m Sara…

and for nearly a decade I have been teaching humans all the things they don’t know about life and being human.

There is a reason why life feels like such a mystery… because it is (and it’s like that way by design).

Think about it… the world teaches you lots of things – math, science, reading and writing, but unfortunately leaves out important things that lead to happiness and success.

One of the biggest black holes is around how our bodies actually work and what’s really happening when it comes to stress. Unless you were raised in an environment where you were taught how to understand your body, your emotions and how we as humans relate to the stimuli around us… you have a lot to learn in order to be stress free!

I’ve been put on this earth to change all of that! I invite you to join us and learn what 9.999% of the population doesn’t know about life, stress and how to eliminate it for good!


This isn’t some woo woo energy course that is just going to tell you to decide you want to get rid of your stress and to think positively and it will just be gone. This is so much more.

This is the science, the tactical understanding and the PROCESS to eliminate your stress for good.

This course is the history, the science, the energy and the emotional components we all have been missing when it comes to understanding and eliminating our stress. These are the hacks, tricks and tips that have truly never been shared, but change the game when it comes to living a stress free life.

This is the alphabet of life, the basic building blocks you were never taught that make all the difference when it comes to stressing less and living more!

And we are going to cover it all in only 3 days — for only 1 hour a day — and for only $33!


The first day is all about understanding the truth about money. In this lesson, you will learn what the 1% knows that makes finances 10x easier to understand and manipulate. You MUST understand this to create long-term (and short term) financial success.


If the past informs the present, what does that mean for your future? In this lesson, we are going to walk through our human history and understand how our past is defining our future and how our stress is a huge byproduct of our past selves.

CONTROL FREAK (in all the right ways)

In this lesson, you will learn how to take back control…. But in the ‘right’ way. Control isn’t about hustling and grinding, it’s actually about getting acquainted with a part of you, you have likely suppressed for years.


Then we will bring it all together and blow your mind by teaching you our favorite part of the method – our signature technique that will have you eliminating stress faster than you ever thought possible. This is where the rubber meets the road and where everything begins to change for you.


We will show you how to use this information in your day to day life to continue keeping stress out of your life for good!

The Best Investment You Can Make Is Into Your Mental Health & Future Self!

You are worth the work! And you are definitely worth this $33 investment in your mental health.

Join Now